Transform your business through product excellence

PDT Strategy is a boutique consulting firm focused on Product Driven Transformation and is helping clients to take a product focused approach to improving growth and margins.

Our Approach:
Product Driven Transformation

Our approach helps businesses improve product performance by adopting a Product Driven Transformation strategy focused on executing end-to-end initiatives to deliver the right product portfolio, with the right feature set(s), with a competitive cost structure and optimized supply chain.

Our Focus Areas

Our Product Driven Transformation approach focuses on the core set of functions/disciplines needed to design, plan, source, make, and deliver consumer & industrial products.

Design-to-Value / Product Teardowns

Product design decisions can have outsize impacts on customer experience as well as BOM cost and product quality.

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Strategic Sourcing

A resilient, responsive, competitively priced supply base is key to achieving competitive cost targets while meeting quality and delivery needs

person holding pencil near laptop computer

Program/Portfolio Management

Strong program management ensures that all stakeholders are aligned against priorities and are executing against a clear program plan with key milestones and deliverables.

technology, analytics, business

Data, Analytics, and AI/ML

Leverage best practices in data analytics and ever evolving AI/ML techniques to both improve program/operational execution as well as introduce AI/ML features to your product roadmap

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Quality Management

Defining and managing cost of quality is oftentimes can provide significant ROI when considering avoided rework costs, missed shipments, customer returns, and declining CSAT.

red and blue crane under blue sky during daytime

Freight & Logistics

The freight & logistics markets are incredibly dynamic and freight managers should actively be benchmarking against spot rates and negotiating contracted rates where possible while meeting delivery needs

soldering, electronics, circuit

4 Walls Manufacturing Improvements

Process improvement techniques at the factory has the potential to result in noteworthy advancements in line throughput, reduction of quality defects, and optimization of labor hours.

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Private Equity Product Due Diligence

Private equity funds focused on hardware/product manufacturers are prudent to include a product deep dive to fully understand product related opportunities and define a roadmap to capture them starting day 1.

Contact Us

Are you interested in transforming your product portfolio to grow your bottom line? Than contact PDT Strategy today!